Invaders From Within!

Paul Cody, an unknown musician, goes to a remote cabin to write his next song, but he begins having visions and goes mad. Invaders From Within! is a Horror short film written and directed by Heather Landsman and produced by Charlie Compton, N. Milani Gosman, and Alessandro Rios, and is written and directed by Heather Landsman. I served as the Editor for the project.

As the Editor,

My goals were to maintain a suspenseful pace throughout the film, balancing the visions Paul Cody experiences with the madness he faces until they both collide. I also developed the design of the bug vision with Heather, creating 3 soft circles imposed on top of the main footage. Along with that, as the film was shot on Film and edited digitally, I wanted to retain the idea that the film was like an old film reel that was uncovered after years of collecting dust so I would have shots end with the reel running out and long slow fades between shots. My main inspirations for the editing of this film were Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Prince of Darkness, and Evil Dead.

Stills from the Film

A cross-fade from a cow’s eye to the sun, a style paying homage to horror films of the ‘70s.

One of the shots where film reel runs out. VFX Artist and Colorist Kevin Fermini added the mark of the alien onto the film.

Invaders From Within! is currently being submitted for film festivals and should be available soon.


The Five Fingers of a Dog (Cinematographer, Editor, Sound)